Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~ Scott Adams
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Every Day in May #16 & 17 (Faces)
I'm having a hard time keeping up with these. I think I might be spending too much time on some of them. It has helped to develop some skills though, so I think I'd rather be behind than to hurry through them. This first one is a really bad caricature of Robin Williams, done with a skewer stick and drawing ink (fun technique).
This next one is Tommy Lee Jones done first with pencil and then with a Bic pen. I like going in with the pencil first. I have been trying to work on my exaggerations and that is hard to do straight with the pen. As you can see, I didn't finish the shading on this. It takes too much time.
This next one is Tommy Lee Jones done first with pencil and then with a Bic pen. I like going in with the pencil first. I have been trying to work on my exaggerations and that is hard to do straight with the pen. As you can see, I didn't finish the shading on this. It takes too much time.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Every Day in May #14 & 15 (Faces)
I've been keeping up with the drawing, not so much with the posting. Here are the ones from the past couple of days. The first one was done with a Bic pen, penciled in first. The subject is Nicolas Sarkozy. This next one is supposed to be Jim Croce done with Prismacolors on cardboard. Not one of my better drawings.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Every Day in May (Faces) #8 - #13
I have been down the past few days with a nasty case of the stomach flu. I am feeling much better today and managed to get all caught up with the challenge. The first one was done using only a Bic pen. It is a caricature of the guy who plays Dr. House on the TV show. I am pretty happy with how this one turned out.
This next one was also done with a Bic pen and is supposed to be a caricature of Bruce Willis. I'm not so happy with this one. That is the bad part about drawing with pen... no room for messing up!
This next one is another caricature of Subway surfer. He posted some really good expressions on his blog. Expressions is something I need to work on. I think this one turned out much better than the last one of him. Another Bic pen drawing.
Caricature of Kid Rock. First drawn with pencil and then with a brush pen.
Same technique as above. This one is of a member from The Drawing Board.
Again with the brush pen and another member of The Drawing Board.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Every Day in May #7 (Faces)
I am not at all happy with this one and almost didn't post it. I have always had trouble with exaggeration and showing expressions. I tried both with this one and failed. The gentleman in the drawing is Subwaysurfer who is a wonderful caricature artist. His work amazes me. The other day he posted a couple of pictures of himself so I thought I'd have a go at him. I think I might try this one again another day. First, I think I should spend some time studying the face!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Every Day In May #6 (Faces)
I did some experimenting on this one. First I took a chunk of cardboard and glued torn peices of sheet music to it. Then I put a white wash over it and drew the caricature of my son Collin on using my Pitt Brush Pen. Then I used chalks and colored pencils for color. I haven't decided if I like it or not. It didn't take the color very well.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Every Day in May 3, 4, &, 5 (Faces)
I have been drawing every day, or at least no more than 2 drawings in one day. I am a bit behind on my posting though so I have three drawings to post today. The first one is a drawing of a doll, along with the body (something I never do). The second 2 are of people from various drawing boards who post their photos to have caricatures done of them. Neither of them are famous, just fellow artists.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Every Day in May (Faces) #1 & #2
Today I finally got a chance to visit Everyday Matters on Yahoo. While there I came across the Every Day in May challenge and decided to have a go at it. I have been wanting to try drawing every day for quite some time now. I am starting a day late and this weekend we will be gone, so I am going to cheat and post a drawing I did a few months ago but never posted. My theme is going to be faces. I am leaving it open so I can have some room to move and not get bored. The second drawing is one I did today from a draw me thread over at the Drawingboard.
EDM Challenge #3
One night during class, the girl sitting next to me had her purse sitting on the table. It was all white with lots of folds and shadows. The teacher was giving a lecture, I had a migraine, and I just didn't want to be there, so I started sketching the purse. I was just playing around at first, but then it starting coming together an looking really nice. I ended up spending most of the class drawing. I was really pleased with myself until the teacher called me out and announced to the class that I had been drawing for the entire class period. It was done with a pen on a sheet of printed computer paper (important notes for the class I think).