Sunday, December 23, 2007

Angel Caricature

I seen this photo of a darling little girl dressed like an angel at The Crone's Corner blog and had to draw her. Originally, I had planned to do a more realistic drawing of her but since I have been in a caricature kind of mood, she turned into a caricature instead. How you like her anyway!


  1. oh I like her! I haven't seen the "angel" in person (just photos) but I feel like you've got the look of her mouth she has at times. I'm so glad you decided to try her.

  2. she somehow manages to be both - angel and carricature, quite a challenge!

    most of Your portraits do just that : preserve the sense of the real person behind the "model", I really hope You'll keep developing that!
    thanks for Your comment, and a Happy New Year!

  3. Very good job. Followed you here from Crusty's place. I like your art.


  4. Very cute...I especially like her eyes and mouth. Good job!!
