Friday, January 25, 2008

Murder She Wrote

In keeping with my A2Z challenge with a caricature theme, I did Angela Lansbury for my female letter A. Done with Pitt brush pen and colored pencil. I spent a little more time on this one than I wanted too. I need to do them quicker for now on. Anyway, I exaggerated the eyes more than I normally would have. This is something I have been trying to do for some time now. I still need to push it more though.


  1. Nice! I went straight to the picture without reading and knew who she was straight off! I miss MSW ... Cheers! Mary Ellen

  2. I want to try doing caricatures too. I have got a book that seems quite good, but it is just finding the time. I don't expect my efforts to be anything like as good as yours.

  3. Wow awesome caricature! She looks great..I have to know, it's that when Jessica comes to town thing lol

  4. I think you captured her mouth really well. Love those eyes!

  5. Nice work! Your caricatures are wonderful :)
