Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Painter Assignment

I am currently taking a class called Applied Computer Graphics for Art Educators. Basically, we use Corel Painter to create art and translate that into lesson plans. For this assignment we had to go into the museum and draw from three different sculptures, scan those drawings into Painter, combine the three images, and use the brushes in Painter to color the image. This is what I came up with. I thought about continuing with it, but I like the painterly feel to it so I am calling it finished. We didn't have to write a lesson for this one, just do the image.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how clever. You seem to have mastered the use of IT to create unique artwork. I use Corel Draw but to create my greetings cards. Sometimes I manipulate one of my paintings to give me ideas for a more abstract feel, but never seem to get round to actually painting it again. Never enough time.
