Thursday, June 23, 2011

Diva Weekly Challenge #27 - "Duo-tangle"

This week over at I am the Diva the challenge was to create a Zentangle using only two tangles: "Dex" and "Verdigogh". I seldom use either one of these, so it really was a challenge for me. I sort of cheated this week, since I have too many pots on the fire right now, by combining this challenge with a sun Zentangle ATC swap I am participating in over at ATCs For All. The title of the card is "A Warm Smile". Made with a black artist pen and watercolor pencils.


  1. I love this! The sun looks so happy!

  2. Thanks for stopping by!

    I love this one! So cute!

  3. Cheating works for me! :) I like it!

  4. This is so cheerful, it brightens my day! Whoever gets this ATC will be very pleased.

  5. I wasn't too sure about the duo too - but you did something fun with yours - too cute!
