A few weeks ago I started doing the A2Z challenge started by
The Crusty Crone. It's your basic a to z where you start by drawing something that begins with the letter a. The next week you move to b and work your way through the alphabet doing a drawing each week. This is fine but with school I don't have a whole lot of time to draw. I did this for 3 weeks but it was feeling a bit like wasted time. I have a message board called
Virtual Art, which I started when I first started drawing caricatures. One of the members there started a challenge for himself where he draws someone each week alternating male, female. Doing it this way gives you 2 drawings for each letter and should take the entire year. This seemed more in line with my goals for 2008. Therefore, I am started over at A and doing the A2Z challenge with caricatures. I am also going to try one with artists where I study a different artist for each letter. There is no way I can do both each week so I think the artist one will only be once or twice a month.
Here is my first drawing for the letter A, Jerry Stiller - plays Arthur on The King of Queens. I used a Pitt brush pen for the lines and soft pastels for the color.

I am not entirely happy with this one, but that is what this challenge is for. Next, I move to a female for the letter A.
Oh, I think this is good. I'll be checking back and seeing each one of your letters....
Great idea with the a to z challenges andalternating male and female. It's kind of like working in a series.
BTW, did you ever consider that reading white print on black background is really hard on the eyes? Might look cool, but it really is a bit off putting. Just saying...
Neat job....I can definitely see a likeness!
I think the A2Z challenge is a great idea ~ :)
Very nice! I like this a to z idea.
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